Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

May 2016
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May 2018
IMG 7147
Complimentary Oxygen*! *may also contain carbon dioxide, nitrogen, etc.
IMG 7149
“Be sure to drink out of the other end.”
IMG 7150
“If I run out of these bracelets, can I just hand out rubber bands? Will anyone notice?”
IMG 7156
Hello Moon
IMG 7157
In case of injury, an X17 bandana can serve as a turniquet.
IMG 7161
Best shade spot on the field.
IMG 7162
The guy on the right holds the record for most napkins eaten in under 30 seconds (46).
IMG 7165
They must have had practice, because no matter how hard I threw things at them, they never toppled over like in the movies.
IMG 7166
People backpacks.
IMG 7167
Getting publicity for the plight of the mermaids.
IMG 7168
The round sunglasses gang was out in numbers that day.
IMG 7173
“You know the magic idol that is stored under the stage that nobody is supposed to touch?” “Of course.” “What would happen, theoretically, if someone licked it?”
IMG 7174
Old skool program boarders coming back to enjoy the show and gloat over not having to do any work on this one.
IMG 7176
DJ Byron on the turntables.
IMG 7178
“I have no idea where these cables go, but coiling them up perfectly is just SO satisfying, ya know.”