Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

IMG 3360
"I hope this is a libertarian watermelon."
IMG 3361
"Here's your fried cinnamon stick. They really should come up with a better name for these things."
IMG 3364
Little known fact: lifeguards hate sleeves.
IMG 3365
Peace be with you.
IMG 3367
IMG 3369
More hugs!
IMG 3372
Happy body paint customers.
IMG 3374
"I'm going to draw you as a tarantula devouring a butterfly. Doesn't that sound grand?"
IMG 3377
Omar really believes in peace.
IMG 3379
AlunaGeorge rolls up their sleeves and gets to work.
IMG 3380
"I'm wearing short sleeves already. Can I just, like, leave them as they are?"
IMG 3382
"Sorry keyboardist, a tank top would truly show your dedication."
IMG 3383
Aluna wasn't part of the fashion police, but she was empowered to make a citizen's arrest if she saw egregious violations.
IMG 3386
"A man wearing cargo shorts, socks with sandals, and a furry vest. Fashion forward or fashion apocalypse?"