She waved like the Queen does to her subjects. It freaked me out.
The X-Bomb, mid shoulder.
"No bombs. Just dancing!"
Once Marilyn used the phrase "giant marshmallow fight," Christie kind of checked out while imagining the whole thing.
At first I thought this guy wanted to fight. Then I thought he wanted a hug. I ended up just giving him a high five and then tripping him as he passed.
Henna was in high demand.
These women appreciate the pattern in the shape of a large butt.
"I know I was laughing at that butt pattern, but I don't want it on my arm. Seriously, just make it random."
Everything is better with glitter.
"You're a winner sir. Here's your tote bag. It's completely empty. Not even a trace of any evidence from an alleged recent crime. Enjoy."