Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

IMG 7312
“Side affects may include discoloration of the tongue. See, I’m totally fine.”
IMG 7310
“Damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten those brownies she offered us.”
IMG 7308
“It’s a fast acting poison, so I’ll have to solve this quickly.”
IMG 7303
“Did she say someone ON the stage?”
IMG 7296
“Boom. Someone on this stage was just poisoned. Now I’ll solve it!”
IMG 7294
“You know what? I’ll solve a crime right now!”
IMG 7291
IMG 7284
Doing the robot.
IMG 7280
“Who cares! Jumping time!”
IMG 7278
“Wait, does Columbo have backup dancers in the tv show? That was before my time.”
IMG 7277
IMG 7271
Dance break.
IMG 7273
Dance break continued!
IMG 7269
“I’ll solve crimes, bust rhymes, have good times."
IMG 7265
" I Columbo now? Quick, someone volunteer to be arrested."