Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

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IMG 5582
“I dunno. You ever seen the walrus dance? It’s pretty funky.”
IMG 5578
Nothing funkier than the chicken dance.
IMG 5573
“How many of you out there want to get funky?!”
IMG 5569
It was time to get funky.
IMG 5566
All of Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals present and accounted for.
IMG 5561
“I am playing the bass and am an entirely different person.”
IMG 5560
“I am playing a guitar.”
IMG 5557
I almost got a photo of a cop with a flower, but he threw it up in the air and shot it, cowboy-style before I could snap a photo.
IMG 5553
Stage plumbing is a tricky business.
IMG 5550
“You can rock in 4 seconds. No sooner.”
IMG 5549
Let's rock.
IMG 5545
Cable man.
IMG 5544
“I’m being told that Snapchat is banning my account. How did you get into my headphones?”
IMG 5542
Cymbals are shiny.
IMG 5541 (1)
Obligatory artsy shot of inanimate objects.