Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

large crab washed in by the storms
"Man is born free, and everywhere is in chain-stores" Dad Roux-Michollet, Campus Point,
A treasure is all about the perspective one has.
Emily Chase Deveroux Beach The ultimate nature walk:on a bright January morning after a stormy week. It's uplifting to spend time with people who appreciate the peaceful and glorious coast we live on!
Here is a post left over from the early oil industry development at Sands Beach and Ellwood area. Cris Sandoval the Director at Coal Oil Point shows how much sand has washed away after this years storm. This leftover post is a residue of a once heavily industrialized beach that is now a reserve. Callie Bowdish 1/23/2010
Here is a post left over from the early oil industry development at Sands Beach and Ellwood area. Cris Sandoval the Director at Coal Oil Point shows how much sand has washed away after this years storm. This leftover post is a residue of an industrialized area that can now be used to mark the pond trail as well as measure the changes of the sand over the season. Taken January 23, 2010
Jordan Laband. Photo taken at UCSB West Campus, January 9, 2010, This photo shows humans and nature in harmony together. The tide is coming in as a surfer in the left hand corner makes his way down the beach. An oil rig in the background offsets the gorgeous California sunset with its rich colors and blending hues. One can see the delicate balance of life in Santa Barbara as the land, the sea, and mankind all coexist as one in this unique and prosperous environment.
Jordan Laband. Photo taken at UCSB West Campus. 1/9/10. I managed to capture the raw beauty of this sunset in Santa Barbara. It is hard to imagine how this view may change in the future because of the horrible damage we are causing on this planet. This amazing sight reminds us all to take care of our beaches and enjoy what beauty is left for us.
Jordan Laband. Photo taken at UCSB West Campus. 1/9/10. The earth and the ocean play a part in our ecosystem. A bird flies overhead and a surfer makes his way out to catch a wave. Humans and nature share this pristine environment.