Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

IMG 7867
“I’m here today to talk to you about comfortable socks.”
IMG 7852
“I’m here today to talk to you about the devil."
IMG 7850
“I’m here today to talk to you about where bacon fits into a diet respectful to your heart health.”
IMG 7849
“I’m here today to talk to you about those weird side hugs that one friend gives you.”
IMG 7844
“I’m here today to talk to you about how your mom was right about your last boyfriend.”
IMG 7842
“I’m here today to talk to you about that thing you’ve got in your hair.”
IMG 7836
“I’m here today to talk to you about contrails.”
IMG 7825
“I’m here today to talk to you about bathroom breaks.”
IMG 7821
“I’m here today to talk to you about the similarity between holding microphones and throwing curveballs.”
IMG 7819
“I’m here today to talk to you about hunting gerbils for sport.”
IMG 7817
“I’m here today to talk to you about organized religion.”
IMG 7815
“I’m here today to talk to you about inside voices.”
IMG 7811
“I’m here today to talk to you about full bladders.”
IMG 7810
She is!
IMG 7808
Who is excited?