Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

"Rookie mistake. Do the edge pieces first!"
Dayglow was in fact, NOT playing right now. It's all lies.
Marilyn was here to chew gum and advise Program Board, and she was all out of...oh. There's gum stuck to the inside of her mask. Nevermind then.
Hugging the portafloor may give a fleeting feeling of connection, but the fiberglass shards are forever.
IMG 6431
Majestic crew.
IMG 6427
“Hehe, suck the air OUT.”
IMG 6425
“Did you suck the air OUT? Or like, just squeeze it super hard?”
IMG 6423
IMG 6420
No one likes the port-a-floor.
IMG 6419
“These chairs had famous people’s butts on them. $5 a touch.”
IMG 6417
The best possible use of celery.
IMG 6416
A job well done.
IMG 6413
More staff after a hard day of work.
IMG 6411
IMG 6410
The trash duty that never ends.