Associated Students Gallery

Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.

July 2009
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October 2009
Javier Martinez Photo taken by the UCSB Lagoon The bizarre or the unusual here is simply the fact that in contrast to seeing beer cans or paper trash strewn about UCSB's coast, this image conveys how a clean coast coupled with the red-orange glow of a setting sun, is something that should motivate and inspire cleanliness on this and every coastline. A clean coastline will ensure that beach goers will be able to enjoy the natural treasures in life like the beauty and colors of a setting star.
The picture captures a wonderful view of the beach where people can take walks to relax.
Sands Beach, night photography, long exposure. Light rays emanating from a lone rock.
Sands Beach, night photography, long exposure. Light dancing across the serenity of a clean beach.
Sands beach. Peaceful night with isla vista in the background.