Images through the ages for UCSB's Associated Students.
Members of CODA and concerned AS students line up to educate students on sidewalk usage.
Jeremy and James talk with students regarding sidewalk etiquette.
Stick figures are powerful education tools.
Bill and Felicia discuss strategy while Carolyn Buford (Associate Dean of Students) and Andrea debate over who gets to stop the next skateboarder coming through.
James explaining CODA activity to Carolyn.
Jeremy being interviewed by KCSB about sidewalk etiquette.
Bill steels himself with resolve as the next wave of students approaches.
Jennifer and Wes await the next group of students.
One of many skateboarders to barrel through the CODA line without slowing down.
A cautious student walks his bike through the CODA lineup.
Mica steps aside as a skateboarder races toward the line.
Too close for comfort.
An understandable reaction from Andrea, Felicia and Bill as the rogue skateboarder passes the line.
Wes asks Mica who just flew through the line on a skateboard.
CODA co-president Ali Sprott hands out flyers to her volunteers.